Monday, September 22, 2008


So I've found the greatest website. And yes, it's called wordsplosion. And yes, it makes me happy to laugh at other people's grammatical and spelling errors. We all do it. It's just funnier when someone else does it and you get to point and laugh.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Her stories are runon sentences that never end and never connect enough to make sense.

What has your grandmother told you? Things to remember, I suspect. Sprinkles, or puddles perhaps, of wisdom tossed over her shoulder or whispered in you ear while she sat you on her knee.

My grandmother has given up these things as well. All my life - "You can, you can, you can..." Yesterday she forced me to promise her that I would write a book. She said, "Don't give up on the dream!" Did I ever proclaim such a dream? Perhaps it was my mother's for me? I had the dream to be a doctor, a vet, a runner, an artist, a musician, etc.... And isn't every page I write here, or anywhere else, part of the bigger book? And here we begin to question the meaning of words, the essences or the duality behind them...what is a book?

Anyway, as well as causing me to promise to write a book, she said that she is going to Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, and Israel next year. And that they might not let her do what she wants to do in Egypt. I thought she meant, she would be restrained as a tourist because of the riots and because she is a women. But no. She wants to ride a camel.

She wants to ride a camel and have her picture taken on it. So that I can show my children and tell them: "Gramma may not have been bright, but she sure was entertaining." And that's the damned truth. My gramma is unabashedly entertaining.

Once, I was sleeping over at her house, and all the beds were full, so I slept with her. She snores, loudly. And I was having a dream, vividly. And for some reason, perhaps to stop the outrageous snoring, I sat up and punched her in the shoulder. She let out a great Yelp! And scared us both. I couldn't tell her how sorry I was. But she's gramma and she let it go. Though I'm giggling as I remember it now. How many girls punch their gramma's at night? Or at all? And it wasn't a nice nudge to roll her over - it was an all-out, no-holds punch.

That's one tough, entertaining Gramma.